Top benefits of orange for your kids
Oranges are considered as a large proportion of people’s favorite fruits. While their taste varies from juicy and sweet to bitter, they make excellent snacks or even ingredients in several dishes around the world. And due to the nutrients and health benefits this delicious fruit can offer, it’s safe to acknowledge the importance of incorporating it into kids’ meals especially if they’re fond of its taste.
Oranges are stocked with fibers, vitamins and minerals
While we all know that oranges are among the richest fruits in vitamin C, did you know that it’s engorged with B vitamins, vitamin A, potassium and calcium? And that’s not all. Oranges are also a good source of fibers which helps a lot if your kids suffer from a constipation problem. Since it counts as one portion, you can slice one orange and blend it in Ultrablend + with 1 cup of yogurt. Serve it to your kids as a snack!
Oranges reduce cold and coughing
Because of their richness in vitamin C, oranges can protect your child from secondary infections that can follow up the occasional cold. And because they suffer weakness and a bit of irritation when sick, they need all the energy they can get in order to recover. You can simply press a cup of oranges, add a little bit of honey and a pinch of salt. It will speed up your kids’ recovery and make up for all the lost nutrients.
Oranges are a source of smart carbs
An orange’s glycemic index is lower than 40. This means that unless your child is consuming alarming quantities of oranges, there’s no fear of a pathological increase in sugar levels in their blood. Even overweight children can still consume oranges without risking health problems. When consumed in normal amounts, oranges can keep your kid’s little bodies full of energy and rejuvenation. If your kids don’t particularly enjoy orange juice, you can still incorporate this delicious fruit in an easy and quick dessert like orange cake. Just stay keen to give them small quantities because of the high ratio of sugar used. They will love it!
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