101 birthday guide: 7 rules for baking the perfect cake
Don’t risk having your cake fall flat, dry out or crumble. If you follow simple rules and tips, you will end up with the most beautiful and delicious birthday cake ever!
Pick a reliable recipe
Make sure you follow a reliable and trustworthy recipe with clear steps. Follow the ingredients and cooking steps as meant to be.
Choose your flour
Every type of flour contains different types of proteins and subsequently variant ratio of gluten. If you’re going for a light texture, choose cake flour. Denser textures call for bread flour. If you’re looking for a fluffy result, all-purpose is your choice.
Make sure your leaveners are fresh
There’s a simple way to test your baking soda and baking powder before baking. Measure ½ cup of hot water, add ¼ tsp of vinegar, and your leavener. Look for immediate fizzing. If it happens then your baking soda or baking powder is ready to use.
Weight your ingredients
If you don’t own a kitchen scale, it’s time to invest in one! Before you mix your ingredients in Masterchef Gourmet kitchen machine, make sure to follow the weight, not the volume. So if a recipe calls for 200 g of each the flour and sugar, this doesn’t mean you can use 1 cup of each.
Make sure your ingredients are at room temperature
When at room temperature, eggs and dairy ingredients form an emulsion which traps air during the baking process. This helps to produce fluffy baked cakes. So make sure your eggs, butter and other dairy ingredients are at room temperature before using them.
Bake on the correct shelf and keep the oven door closed
Cakes are usually placed on the middle shelf in the center to ensure that all areas are cooking evenly. And no matter what do not open the oven door before the time is up! It will cause your cake to fall flat and all your effort will be gone.
Decorate your perfect cake with the perfect frosting
Congratulations! Now your cake is done but don’t ruin it. Cool it enough then flip and decorate to your liking. You can prepare Chantilly cream, chocolate ganache or even fondant paste with your kitchen machine. Variations are endless and the result is one: everyone will fall in love with your cake!
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