Chocolate flan cake recipe


For 8 people

  • To prepare the caramel: ‎
  • ‎½ cup sugar‎
  • To prepare the cream caramel: ‎
  • ‎3 cups milk‎
  • ‎6 room-temperature eggs
  • ‎1½ cups sugar ‎
  • ‎½ cup powder milk ‎
  • ‎1 tsp vanilla extract‎
  • To prepare the cake:‎
  • ‎½ cup caster sugar
  • ‎1 tsp vanilla extract‎
  • ‎3 room-temperature eggs
  • ‎½ cup vegetable oil ‎
  • ‎½ cup milk‎
  • ‎1½ cups multi-purpose flour
  • ‎2 tbsp cocoa powder‎
  • ‎1 tsp baking powder‎


Place sugar in a non-stick pan with 1 tbsp of water. Stir from time to time to get the caramel. Pour ‎mixture in a bundt cake pan.‎

Combine cream caramel ingredients in ULTRABLEND + and mix at speed 4 for 1 min until the sugar is ‎completely dissolved. Pour mixture in the bundt cake pan.‎

To prepare the cake, sift flour, cocoa powder and baking powder in a mixing bowl.‎

Mix eggs with sugar and vanilla extract in the blender. Add milk and oil and mix. Pour the mixture ‎over the dry ingredients and mix until just combined. ‎

Pour mixture in the bundt cake pan then place it in a bain-marie and bake it in a pre-heated oven ‎over 200⁰ C for 50-55 min.‎

Remove cake from the oven, let it cool in room-temperature and refrigerate for 4 hours at least.‎

When serving, place the bundt cake pan in hot water for 10 min then flip the cake in a serving dish ‎and garnish as desired. ‎