3 ways to clean a blender with cupboard ingredients
If you love purées, soups and smoothies, you might be using your blender nearly every day. But cleaning it may not be the most enjoyable task to do. Yet the following cleaning methods are so easy, they only require cupboard ingredients and the correct technique.
Auto cleaning
Keep the blender plugged in. Combine 1 cup of water with 1 tsp of baking soda and 1 tbsp of dish soap. Start the blender on high speed until the jug is perfectly cleaned then rinse and air dry. If you own a high speed blender such as Ultrablend +, fill it with plain water and use the auto clean function.
With a toothbrush
Detach the jug from your blender base. Combine few drops of dish soap and baking soda then run some warm water over them until you get a foamy mixture. Pour out the water and scrub stubborn stains with a rough toothbrush until they disappear. Rinse one more time and air-dry.
Soaking and manual cleaning
Unplug your blender. Combine 1 cup of vinegar with ½ cup of baking soda and few drops of liquid dish soap. Let the mixture get foamy to the top and subside. Soak the jug for few hours or overnight then rinse it until it’s clean. Air dry then store.
Extra note
Never submerge the motor base in water. Instead, use a damp cloth to wipe off any spilled food stains. Happy blending!
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