Have you been using your kitchen machine attachments wrong?
No appliance in the kitchen can make you feel like a professional chef such as a kitchen machine. In fact, you can use it almost daily to prepare anything from simple mashed potatoes to a sophisticated birthday cake or a complex bread recipe. Now while it can be controlled pretty easily, you might be subjected to few common mistakes when it comes to using the different attachments.
The beater
The beater attachment is used for beating almost any mixture with normal to heavy consistency. It’s the most common kitchen machine attachment, used to beat all kinds of sweet and savory dishes such as a chocolate cake batter, chocolate chip cookies batter, icings and even potato purée.
The dough hook
Shaped like a helix, a dough hook attachment is important if you’re preparing doughs and pastries with heavy consistency. You can use it to prepare homemade doughs such as pizza dough or white bread.
The Balloon Whisk
This attachment is a balloon shaped hook that’s consisted of wired hook used mainly to blend and incorporate air during the mixing process for smooth and fluffy results. Attach it to Masterchef Gourmet Pro and whip egg whites or chantilly cream until soft peaks are formed.
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