User manual and frequently asked questions TURBOCUISINE MAXI FAST ELECTRIC PRESSURE COOKER 7.5L CE777
Your brand new solution for delicious meals in no time: With the TURBO CUISINE MAXI Fast Multicooker, Moulinex makes mouth-watering home cooking easier than ever. Whip up delicious, wholesome meals for the entire family with effortless automatic programs from starter to dessert and a pressure cooker mode for perfect results up to 3x faster*. Moulinex's exclusive spherical bowl technology ensures tender and juicy results, with an intuitive single control knob for a user-friendly appliance. (*Up to 3X faster cooking compared to traditional cookware using gas or electric stove)
Reference : CE777827
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If your application does not download correctly, delete it and try to download again when you have a more stable Wi-Fi connection.
During initial installation, the download may take several minutes while the application saves all the photos on your Smartphone or tablet.
• Enter a word in the search field.
Tip: recipes are found using key words, so it is easier to enter a type of vegetable (e.g. carrot) rather than just vegetable.
• Go to the recipe you wish to bookmark and select the bookmark logo in the top right corner.
![highlighting the bookmark function in the Companion app](/medias/913-Cook4me-Tefal-EN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfENTUyAtIEZBUSAtIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgfDg2MTQyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Q1NTIC0gRkFRIC0gIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgL2g1ZS9oODQvMTUzODY0NTY4ODMyMzAuanBnfGJlMThhMTMzYjMyOTNlZGUyODIxOThlOGI5OWRmZGMyMGIwMTIxNTcyOTYwYmMwMTQ4M2ZlN2RhMDY1Mjk1ZTM)
• A "My Notebooks" tab appears: select the "My Favorites" location.
• The recipe has been added.
Click the sharing logo to view the sharing options.
![highlighting the sharing functionality in the Companion app](/medias/915-Cook4me-Tefal-EN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfENTUyAtIEZBUSAtIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgfDg1NzY5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Q1NTIC0gRkFRIC0gIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgL2hhMy9oODIvMTUzODY0NTcwMTQzMDIuanBnfDFiMTY2NTM3MWFmNTgxOTU4OGJlZjlkY2M0MjgyOTRiYWY3ZDcwZGRlYzVmMTE4NmNjYTM2YjNhODVkYTBhZDI)
You can then choose how you would like to share this recipe.
If you want to turn off this signal, simply deactivate it in your tablet or Smartphone.
You may also disable sounds in the parameter settings for notifications on your telephone or tablet.
Audience measurement solutions allow us to analyze traffic, trends, usage and identify malfunctions in order to improve your experience.
Personalization solutions allow us to improve the quality of the information and services we provide and make your experience more enjoyable.
You can accept or deny the use of cookies when you first launch your device.
If you wish, you can disable them from your smartphone settings.
However, the grey cookies banner will remain on your screen as long as you do not click on "accept".
Once logged in, you will be able to read the comments and see the notes that community members have given to the recipe by clicking on the notes/comments area.
![highlighting rating & comments feature from recipe page in the Companion app](/medias/2018-1-Cook4me-Tefal-EN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfENTUyAtIEZBUSAtIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgfDg3MzYxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Q1NTIC0gRkFRIC0gIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgL2gyNS9oMWMvMTUzODY0NTc2Njk2NjIuanBnfGUwZTQzY2RjMzU4NzZjYWJhZDVhMTI3ZWFjMjQ3Y2FiYjBhODc4YjY4MzdmNzFiMDVkNTY4Y2FkYWY2NGM5Yzc)
![comments page in the Companion app](/medias/2018-2-Cook4me-Tefal-EN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfENTUyAtIEZBUSAtIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgfDYwMjQ4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Q1NTIC0gRkFRIC0gIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgL2gyNC9oODUvMTUzODY0NTc3MDI0MzAuanBnfDkzZjZmMTJlODIxYWM4YWE4YTk0OTUyODY5ZDA0OGU5ODg3NzNhYjM1ZjJiYjk3ZjRhNzI5NTBhMzlkYjgyMGY)
The customizable filter:
• Click on "Filter" in order to sort the recipes according to the type of dish (starter, main course, dessert), the time it takes to make the recipe, the minimum rating, their themes (or packs)...
• You can also choose to select only the recipes of the brand or the recipes proposed by the community.
Sorting recipes:
Once you have made a search, you can sort your recipes by popularity, rating, age or alphabetical order.
• Choose the "My Universe" tab in the navigation bar.
• There, you will find your recipe booklets and can create new ones by clicking on "New booklet".
![recipes booklets page in the Companion app](/medias/2020-Cook4me-Tefal-EN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfENTUyAtIEZBUSAtIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgfDg2Mjc5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Q1NTIC0gRkFRIC0gIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgL2hmYy9oMjUvMTUzODY0NTc4NjYyNzAuanBnfGU2ZjRiMWE3NDM3YWM5YjllMmFjNzNiZmJhNzhkODM2YTVhNWRlNzcxMDJkMzZmOWE5MGM4YTg0MTVlMTc3ODM)
Once logged into your account, you will be able to rate the recipe and add a comment by following the instructions that appear on the screen after clicking on the notes/comments space.
![highlighting rating feature from comments page in the Companion app](/medias/2019-1-Cook4me-Tefal-EN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfENTUyAtIEZBUSAtIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgfDYyNjQzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Q1NTIC0gRkFRIC0gIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgL2gwMy9oYmEvMTUzODY0NTc3MzUxOTguanBnfDkwZjVmMGUwNmM4MTFlY2E5MmYxNzliNGRjYmQwN2U4N2ZkMDM5ZDEyYmVhNDM5MTMyZWJmZmI4MmE5YWE3MmY)
![rating page in the Companion app](/medias/2019-2-Cook4me-Tefal-EN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfENTUyAtIEZBUSAtIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgfDIxMDE0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Q1NTIC0gRkFRIC0gIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgL2gwOC9oMGMvMTUzODY0NTc4MDA3MzQuanBnfDVlOGUyOTRmZWExYTE1MmM4OTA1Zjk0YjMwYjEzZWM5ODIxOWIyYjYxNWYxYTFhZjgyYmJiZjNhMjk5YjcwZDc)
In the "Recipes" section, select "Community" only.
You will then be able to see the recipes from the community.
![recipe filters page in the Companion app](/medias/2017-Cook4me-Tefal-EN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfENTUyAtIEZBUSAtIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgfDU2MDU5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Q1NTIC0gRkFRIC0gIEltYWdlcyBldCBkb2N1bWVudHMgL2g5Mi9oNzUvMTUzODY0NTc1Mzg1OTAuanBnfGEzMjZjMTY0MDBlNTRlOTlkMWYwOTgwNDVlOWU3ZDFkMjdiMGVhY2MyODYxOTQ0YTA0MTY3M2IyMmY0ZjQwMWY)
• Click on the image of the registered product.
• Click on "Remove the product". The app will then ask you to select a product.
It will also let you add your accessories and access the associated recipes.
If you are not planning to use your appliance within the next hour, simply unplug it.
- Rotative knob: you can switch from one program to another by turning the rotative knob and launch the program by short-pressing the start / stop button.
- To stop a program anytime during the cooking, you just need to press the start / stop button during 3 seconds.
- To adjust the temperature or the time of your program, first turn the rotative knob to select your program, then press the thermometer or timer buttons to adjust the settings. Turn the knob to the right to increase the cooking time or temperature, turn the knob to the left to decrease (if "Auto" is displayed on the screen, it means that the program's temperature or time are already optimized and therefore are not adjustable). When the temperature and time are adjusted to your desire, you can launch the cooking program by pressing the start / stop button.
- To launch a delayed start, turn the rotative knob to select your program, adjust your temperature and time if needed, and press the button showing a little clock on the top right of the panel to set a delayed start. The small orange light lights on to indicate that the delayed start is on. Turn the knob to adjust the delayed start duration, and then press the start / stop button to launch the cooking program. The cooking phase will start when the delayed start time has elapsed.
Make sure there is no food or liquid residue under the bowl or on the heating plate.
Then place the bowl into the appliance.
Never use the appliance without the cooking bowl.
Note: When using your appliance for the first time, the bowl may release a slight odour. This is normal.
1. Plug the Turbo Crisp lid to a wall socket.
2. Place your ingredients into the pot.
3. Place the Turbo Crisp lid on the pot.
4. To begin cooking, select an automatic cooking mode or choose manual mode.
• Roast
• Grill
• Air-fry
• Bake
To do so, press the [Menu] button until you reach the desired cooking mode.
Then confirm the cooking mode by pressing the [Start] button to start cooking.
1. Adjust the temperature by pressing the [Time/Temperature] icon, then use the [+] and [-] buttons on the screen. The temperature range is from 70 to 200°C.
2. Then set the cooking time by pressing the [Time/Temperature] icon and adjust the time using the [+] and [-] buttons on the screen. The cooking time range is from 0 to 60 minutes.
3. Press the [Start] button to begin cooking. The remaining cooking time will be displayed on the screen.
This is intentional to prevent possible bacterial growth that is undesirable for your health.
• For food that may expand during cooking (rice, seeds, lentils, peas, etc.), do not fill the bowl beyond half its maximum capacity.
• The bowl should always be filled with a minimum of 200 ml of liquid.
! Don't put your hands near the steam exhaust!
It is possible that a slight flow of steam may escape from the back of the appliance during cooking.
• Always use a minimum of 200 ml of liquid.
• Place the steam basket in the bowl and make sure that the food does not touch the lid.
! Do not put your hands near the steam exhaust!
It is possible that a slight flow of steam may escape from the back of the appliance during decompression phase.
• Check that the lid is in proper position for closing (align the small arrow and lock the lid clockwise).
• Check for foreign bodies between the bowl and the heating plate. Remove the bowl and check that the heating plate, the central element and the underside of the bowl are clean. Also check that the central element can move freely.
• The bowl may be deformed (after an impact, fall...). The bowl must be changed at an authorised service centre.
• For a quick removal of the smell, you can put 0.5 liter of water, one cup of white vinegar and 2 slices of lemon in the cooking bowl, and launch a steam program for 10 minutes.
• Be sure to thoroughly clean the items listed in the instructions: cooking vessel, metal lid, before re-using your appliance.
• Check that the pressure is fully released by pressing the pressure release button.
• Unplug the product and wait until it cools completely.
If the problem persists, take your device to an authorized service centre.
• The safety valve and pressure release valve may be clogged, or not in the proper position. In this case, let the appliance fully cool down, check the valves position and make sure they are clean, then replace it properly.
• If the problem persists after this check, take your product to an approved service centre.
2. If the product is powered, unplug the power cord for 10 - 15 seconds and then plug it back in.
If the problem persists, contact our customer service or take your device to an approved service centre.
• either in low position to raise your food for better air circulation.
• either in high position to have 2 cooking levels, one at the bottom of the bowl, and one on the grid.
You can also use the grid for manual cooking without any problem.
Food will not be stable on the grid if you use it outside the bowl.
If the grid is still hot, place it on a heat-resistant surface.
You can then take the hot grid from the bowl using potholders.
The grid can only be used in multicookers with a capacity of 5.8L and above.
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